Request a Votive Light for Nine Days

Saying a prayer while lighting a Votive Candle is an ancient tradition whose very ritual gives hope, provides comfort and create special communion with God. Though you may be far away, you can still partake in that tradition by either requesting for  prayer for some particular intention or as a thanksgiving for some favour received. Let us light a votive candle for you as we carry forth your prayer intentions. By doing so, may your heart be put at ease and your hopes brightened.

The green candles at the Shrine represents our friends of St. Jude who petition to have a Novena Candle burnt at the Shrine for nine days. By completing our online form below, you too can have a candle lit for your intention for nine days. The offering is only N1000 though we welcome more.

Note: The Green Candle is lit by the St. Jude Staff only. However, the Red Candles at the Shrine is operated at the discretion of any Devotee of St. Jude Thaddeus. Make your offering and press the button under a Red Candle to have it lit. The candle we stay lit or burn for your intentions for four hours.

For the Green Votive Candle, fill the form below. Thank you.

The Votive Candle is N1000 though we welcome more.
Please send your proof of payment to 08066318103 via WhatsApp for confirmation.

Please use the following information when considering making offerings. Be sure to include the personal information you gave above, when making offering. We will process your requests after verification. Thank you.

St. Jude Apostolate
First Bank of Nigeria Plc
A/C Number: 2003829604