When I came to Lagos, I had no accommodation and for one year and six months I was putting up with a family. The family welcomed me under one condition – that I attend their church every Sunday. I did not like this idea at all but I obliged. During the week, I would attend masses and other programmes at St. Dominic’s Catholic Church, Yaba but on Sundays, I would join the husband and wife to their own church. Any time I had to come for Sunday mass, I must devise a means to do that, for instance, claiming to have a special programme going on. Even at that, they would insist that I go to their church first before coming to St. Dominic’s. This continued for the time I was with them. So, during the St. Jude novena in honour of SS Joachim and Anne (July 18 – July 26, 2019), I participated actively. The general intention for the novena was fruitfulness in all areas of one’s life. So, my prayer intention was that I may get accommodation of my choice and the money to pay for it. Four days into the novena, I returned home and I was called by the family I was staying with. The husband and his wife asked me to look for accommodation, for they were willing to accommodate me only until August. At the time, I had no money and so getting accommodation within one month looked impossible to me. Even if I get a place I like, how would I pay? So, I intensified my prayer intention to St. Jude Thaddeus as the novena was going on. I tell you, within three weeks, I got a befitting accommodation and the money to pay for it. I got a priest to bless the place and I moved in before the deadline I was given. Now I can comfortably come to Mass without having to explain myself to anyone